Thursday 31 October 2013

GCSE Media assignment: Live Again

This is one of my GCSE media assignments which I had to create. We were told to create a two minute opening sequence for an action adventure film, and within my group, this is what we came up with. We got our idea from the James Bond films, clearly evident, and each invidual participant within the group decided that it would be a good idea if we were to do our own editing, therefore showing off our on skills. This is my interpretation.
After rewatching this assignment, it has enabled me to pick up on areas of improvement for the piece of coursework which I am about to create, such as: linking of the music, camera quality, length of shots and the speech towards the end of the opening sequence being too quiet.
I think by doing GCSE Media Studies it has enabled me to get a real background of the subject and has acted as a valuable learning curve, therefore allowing me to reach my best potential at A Level.

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