Thursday 27 February 2014

Evaluation: Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Preliminary Video:

When beginning the Media Studies course, of the majority of the group were completely new to the subject. I, however, and one other, were not as we had done Media Studies GCSE in our previous school.
   In order to ensure that I was able to successfully carry out the AS level project, I had to create a preliminary task to learn and display my knowledge of the basic rules of creating a media product.

  When I started planning for my final piece with my partner (Beckiee Turner), we looked at both of our preliminary tasks, and noted any significant methods and processed which we learnt when carrying it out. The first choice we made was that we didn't want our final piece to be quite to precise and perfect. As we wanted it to be a lot less Hollywood, and a lot more independent like the majority of British Films.
   Even though we couldn't relate to any planning which either of us carried out for either preliminarys, as neither of us did plan, so we did discover how incredibly important  planning was, and I thoroughly believe we did improve a lot from this stage!

   When researching before we carried out our preliminary task, we looked at what camera angles and shot types we used in the film industry. When actually carrying out the task, my partner (Henry Wright) and myself decided that we wanted to keep it as simple as possible, this meaning we could focus on the actual task set, and try to get used to using different camera angles to give meaning and effect.
   When Beckiee and I decided on our shooting style, we decided not to make it overly proffesional. With it being a independent film (as mentioned earlier) we wanted it to be quite rough looking, this also mirrors our storyline and some of our characters. Even though we did choose to shoot in a completely different way, we still found our preliminary helpful as it enabled us to use camera angles to our full potential, and effectively, just like we did in the preliminary.

   Even though I was not new to the subject itself, I was completely new to the editing software which we were using (Adobe Premier Pro). Therefore, having to carry out a preliminary task, it enabled me to ensure I was able to reach the maximum potential which I was capable of when editing my final piece. This helped a lot when coming to edit the final thing, as we did encounter a small sound issue, which meant we would lose quite a few marks as not all audio was clear. However, we were able to overcome this due to having the preliminary task, as it enabled us to have a proper play around with the software and develop our knowledge and understanding.

Final Cut:

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