Friday 29 November 2013

Sound in Films

Sound within film refers to everything we can hear. From the speech, to the sound effect used. Sound can be used to change the mood of a scene, tell us about the character of the story (villain, hero etc.), provide us with information about the location, and advance the plot.
   There are two types of sound in film:
   Diagetic Sound
Every sound which is coming from sources inside of the world on the screen, including dialogue, slamming doors, footsteps etc.
   Non-Diagetic Sound
Audio elements that we add in/don't come from the fictional world we can see on the screen, including the music and sound effects like the screeches from the film Psycho's shower scene.

Narration is also non-diagetic sound in most cases, with someone talking over the top of differenct scenes. This is used in the opening of The Breakfast Club where we're given background knowledge that the teens have done something wrong so they're in detention. It also gives us the impression that something is going to change the way they view each other.
    Narration can be used to give us just enough information without completely giving it away, which is why it works so well in The Breakfast Club.

Breaking the 4th wall is also used in films. Like in Ferris Buellers Day Off, it's kind of used to "speak sense" into the audience, and in this case, to tell them not to let life pass by so quickly.

Thursday 28 November 2013

First Plan for Film Opening

Main character - Candice
Gang Leader - Kacey
Extras at parties
Mother - Shelly
Siblings - Emily, Georgia, Ethan

Livingroom / Kitchen - Jack's House
House Parties
Rough Estate - Anglia Square

Starts off with main character (Candice) being confronted in an alley or deserted car park (establishing shot, zooming in to medium shot) by rival drug dealing gang (heard that Candice is trying to over take their top position of dealing drugs on the estate). Gang corner her and begin to shout abuse and gang leader (Kacey) threatens her (close ups and point of view shots). Kacey goes to hit Candice - camera freezes, and goes to narration voice over of candice explaining what the next few shots are going to be (showing how she got into a mess in the first place).

First Flashback
Long shot of Candice walking downstairs, pans across living room, medium shot of mum lying unconcious on sofa with a bottle of wine in her hand, one of the kids poking her face "Mummy wake up" (extreme close up), other kids "I'm hungry" "Candice I want food" etc, Candice "I know, I'll sort it, ok?" Medium shot of her leaving house - walking to doctors - long shot of walking inside doctors then walking out again with box of pills in her hand (extreme close up)

Second Flashback
Panning shot of her bedroom, zooming in of Candice taking pills out of box and putting them into plastic bags to sell as drugs
Begins to get ready for a party - putting on make-up, looks at her reflection in mirror - begins to cry (close up), pulls herself together and continues to get ready
Grabs bag and hesitates when putting pills in (close up), goes ahead with it and walks out of room

Third Flashback
Establishing shots of house party venues
People getting off, laughing, drinking, taking drugs (close ups)
Medium shot of her entering party then close up shots of her handing over drugs (contraceptive pill) in exchange of money

Clothing Analysis of the Cullens (Vampires) in Twilight

When the Cullens enter the cafeteria and Bella spots them for the first time, they are all in much brighter clothing than the other students. This could possibly signify that they are different from all of the others also, it could show the pureness of them. As they are "vegetarian vampires" - only suck animals blood - it could show that they are not bad. White is a very pure colour. Another thing this could symobolise is that they are going to be the main focus of the film, as if the "spotlight is on them". Edward, also one of the Cullens, is wearing much darker clothing from his "siblings", like the rest of the students. This could not only show that he has/is going to have, a much closer relationsip to humans than the others - through Bella - but also to make him stand out from the others in the family, as he is one of the three main characters.

Rough Ideas

These are mine and Beckiee's ( rough ideas for our final piece.

Textural Analysis of the Forrest Gump Opening

In the opening 2 minutes of Forrest Gump, it is quite simplistic. The only thing that really happens is a feather floating down from the sky along to some music, and a man, we later find out to be Forrest Gump, sitting on a bus stop bench.
    As this opening is very simple, it doesnt really give much away, we don't find out any of the past life of the main character, yet we find out who the main character is. We don't get the slightest insight into what the plot line is, and we also don't find out who or if there are any "sidekicks" to the main character. As far as the narrrative is concerned, we don't actually find out a whole lot. However, the white feather which is the main feature of this entire opening sequence gives us a possible small insight into what the main character is going to be like.
    As the white feather floats down, it chooses its own path, it's not predetermined. This can be the same thing said for Forrest Gump himself. He never tried to control his destiny, he just went wherever life took him. A clear representation shown by the feather in the wind.
    The only sound in this opening sequence is music, and then Forrest opening and closing his case. The music which is used in this opening is very calming and serene, giving the impression that it's going to be that kind of film. Also the music gives the impression that its going to be quite fairytale like, with a happy ending. Which, is what happens. Forrest lives happily every after with Little Forrest.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Use of Props

Upon making this video, we were assigned groups, given a prop, and then left to make anything that we could possibly come up with. Our idea was of a boy that had lost his father and his only connection and fondest memory of him was balloons.


Wednesday 20 November 2013

Target Audience Research - Feedback

This is our audience feedback video. We have taken this video and adapted our films ideas so we can ensure that it appeals to our target audience.

Target Audience Research Video

This is our Audience Research video. We based our questions on the ideas we had on our idea for our film opening to see if it would appeal to our target audience.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Analysis of film opening: Kidulthood

In the opening 2 minutes of Kidulthood there is a strong sense of "The Streets". This gives off the impression that this isn't going to be some little girl fairy tale movie. Also, its seems quite fast paced with the camera panning extremely quickly from different characters. Each character that is shown speaking is one of the main characters. We are given a little bit of personality of each individual character by the things which they talk about.
   Also, there is a constant soundtrack. This tells us even more about the storyline as the music is quite urban and gangster, giving a good representation of the setting and characters.

I can relate this to my opening because we have instant confrontation between 2 of our main characters. Also, our opening is set in London. Another way I can relate my opening to Kidulthood is due to them both being set on the streets, they both give off the same "thug life" impression.

Wednesday 6 November 2013


      Narration can be used in film openings to give the audience a sense of understanding, and background on what has happened/is happening. However, film openings may not always have narration/any talking within the few opening minutes at all.

      Two contrasting film openings where Forrest Gump and The Breakfast Club. These are contrasting because in Forrest Gump the entire opening sequence is a white feather which floats from the sky very gracefully, and lands at the feet of Tom Hanks, who plays Forrest Gump. This entire scene is narrated by nothing but the music playing, this being effective because it adds to the calmness and serenity of the feather falling. In this opening sequence, nothing is given away, we have no idea what the story is about because there is no clear give away from naration, or the acting of characters. Yet we're still left interested in the significance of the white feather.
      However, in The Breakfast Club, the opening sequence not only has music playing, but it has character narration also. This gives me the impression (as I have never seen it before) that it is going to be  much more complex storyline than Forrest Gump, because it's giving you some background information before the actual movie has properly begun.

"Saturday, March 24, 1984. Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois, 60062. Dear Mr. Vernon, We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did *was* wrong. But we think that you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athelete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at 7:00 this morning. We were brainwashed."

      In this opening scene, we are shown the main characters of the film, each one representing a different stereotype from high school, and with the narration over the top, we are able to tell that this is a story of stereotypical teenage characters finding themselves.

      Another film which has narration in the opening few minutes is Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. This opening is much different to the one of the breakfast club. This is because it gives us kind of character profile of the main character, instantly introducing him, and making the audience know that the film is going to be about him. Having the narration completely about the character opposed to anything else, can be good because it instantly makes the audience feel like they can connect with the main character, which you need from every film in order to have complete interest.

"He was like a God walking amongst meer mortals. He had a voice that could make a wolverine, pur. And suits so fine they made Sinatra look like a hobo. In other words Ron Burgundy was the balls."

The narration continues on for another minute or so, but this is just a small example of how it is a character profile.

Monday 4 November 2013

Initial Ideas of our Final Piece

I have decided to work in a pair with Rebecca Turner ( We've spoken a little about our ideas. Some things we've come up with are: a teenage girl gets into some kind of trouble and needs a fast way of making money, cannot rely on parents, finds a risky way of making money, starts to work out, she then gets caught.

Film Openings: The Positives and The Negatives.

As far as film openings are concerned, it is a matter of opinion on how successful they are because what might be interesting to one person could be completely irrelevent and pointless to somebody else. The positives of film openings is that it can set the scene for the rest of the film, giving you the necessary information needed. For example, a time period would be rather important if it was a film set in the past, dependent on the time era all factors could affect the plot line, like the role of women (if they were inferior etc) or whether there was currently a war going on... Another reason for this is because it introduces the film. It gives the viewers an insight into what the film will be about, the audience can then imediately make a judgement on whether it will be a film which they are interested in. This can also be reflected as a negative because we're always told not to "judge a book by its cover". Somebody may really enjoy the film if they were to give it half a chance, and sometimes, the opening can give off the wrong impression.
Another reason film openings are seen on a negative note is because sometimes too much is given away, and it doesnt allow the element of surprise to be expressed. Also, film openings can be used to shown the present day with the rest of the film set in the past with the build up to the now. This can be seen negatively because in the main part of the film, something may happen to a character that we have become attached to which we would already know ends up ok due to having seen them in the present day. This could then make us less caring about the character, and not able to get into what is actually happening due to already knowing the ending.