Sunday 17 November 2013

Analysis of film opening: Kidulthood

In the opening 2 minutes of Kidulthood there is a strong sense of "The Streets". This gives off the impression that this isn't going to be some little girl fairy tale movie. Also, its seems quite fast paced with the camera panning extremely quickly from different characters. Each character that is shown speaking is one of the main characters. We are given a little bit of personality of each individual character by the things which they talk about.
   Also, there is a constant soundtrack. This tells us even more about the storyline as the music is quite urban and gangster, giving a good representation of the setting and characters.

I can relate this to my opening because we have instant confrontation between 2 of our main characters. Also, our opening is set in London. Another way I can relate my opening to Kidulthood is due to them both being set on the streets, they both give off the same "thug life" impression.

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