Thursday 28 November 2013

Clothing Analysis of the Cullens (Vampires) in Twilight

When the Cullens enter the cafeteria and Bella spots them for the first time, they are all in much brighter clothing than the other students. This could possibly signify that they are different from all of the others also, it could show the pureness of them. As they are "vegetarian vampires" - only suck animals blood - it could show that they are not bad. White is a very pure colour. Another thing this could symobolise is that they are going to be the main focus of the film, as if the "spotlight is on them". Edward, also one of the Cullens, is wearing much darker clothing from his "siblings", like the rest of the students. This could not only show that he has/is going to have, a much closer relationsip to humans than the others - through Bella - but also to make him stand out from the others in the family, as he is one of the three main characters.

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