Thursday 28 November 2013

Textural Analysis of the Forrest Gump Opening

In the opening 2 minutes of Forrest Gump, it is quite simplistic. The only thing that really happens is a feather floating down from the sky along to some music, and a man, we later find out to be Forrest Gump, sitting on a bus stop bench.
    As this opening is very simple, it doesnt really give much away, we don't find out any of the past life of the main character, yet we find out who the main character is. We don't get the slightest insight into what the plot line is, and we also don't find out who or if there are any "sidekicks" to the main character. As far as the narrrative is concerned, we don't actually find out a whole lot. However, the white feather which is the main feature of this entire opening sequence gives us a possible small insight into what the main character is going to be like.
    As the white feather floats down, it chooses its own path, it's not predetermined. This can be the same thing said for Forrest Gump himself. He never tried to control his destiny, he just went wherever life took him. A clear representation shown by the feather in the wind.
    The only sound in this opening sequence is music, and then Forrest opening and closing his case. The music which is used in this opening is very calming and serene, giving the impression that it's going to be that kind of film. Also the music gives the impression that its going to be quite fairytale like, with a happy ending. Which, is what happens. Forrest lives happily every after with Little Forrest.

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