Monday 4 November 2013

Film Openings: The Positives and The Negatives.

As far as film openings are concerned, it is a matter of opinion on how successful they are because what might be interesting to one person could be completely irrelevent and pointless to somebody else. The positives of film openings is that it can set the scene for the rest of the film, giving you the necessary information needed. For example, a time period would be rather important if it was a film set in the past, dependent on the time era all factors could affect the plot line, like the role of women (if they were inferior etc) or whether there was currently a war going on... Another reason for this is because it introduces the film. It gives the viewers an insight into what the film will be about, the audience can then imediately make a judgement on whether it will be a film which they are interested in. This can also be reflected as a negative because we're always told not to "judge a book by its cover". Somebody may really enjoy the film if they were to give it half a chance, and sometimes, the opening can give off the wrong impression.
Another reason film openings are seen on a negative note is because sometimes too much is given away, and it doesnt allow the element of surprise to be expressed. Also, film openings can be used to shown the present day with the rest of the film set in the past with the build up to the now. This can be seen negatively because in the main part of the film, something may happen to a character that we have become attached to which we would already know ends up ok due to having seen them in the present day. This could then make us less caring about the character, and not able to get into what is actually happening due to already knowing the ending.

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