Tuesday 10 December 2013

Film Treatment

Ideas for a film

Genre: Rom-Com

Narrative: Girl (Selena) gets treated like crap by boyfriend (Stering), unhappy in relationship so breaks it off, Sterling's best friend (Zac) comforts her, end up falling for one another, Sterling gets new girlfriend labelled as 'post-it' (Demi), Sterling catches on to the closeness between Selena and Zac - gets jealous and argues with Selena, fights with Zac and created an argument between Selena and Zac which ends in them breaking up, Zac and Selena both uphappy so they make-up and get back together, all reunited at the end-of-school year party

Technical: high school - natural lighting, mainly day-time, restaurant/party scenes - low-key lighting, intimate mood
Symbolic: flowers, jewellery, chocolates, crying girl
Narrative: 'Post-it' - a girl that sticks to everyone despite not being wanted by the majority, break-ups and make-ups
Cast: Selena - played by 2010 Miley Cyrus, Demi played by Ashley Green, Sterling played by Matt Lanter, Zac played by Ashton Kutcher

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