Thursday 12 December 2013

Narrative in Films

In The Hangover, the film opens with the one of the grooms friends ringing the bride telling her that something has happened whilst they're in vegas. As the film progresses, and they go on a search for Doug, the groom, we find out how they lost him in the first place, and in the ending, they find him, and he gets married. This film does not follow the traditional structure of a film (the Todorov model), however, it still makes sense.

The film which Beckiee and I have decided to create, kid of follows the start of this model. Our opening is going to start off with her current situation (being threatened by the gang leader). Then we're going to have a few flashbacks of how she got into the mess to start with.
The rest of the film is going to show the lead up to the cornering of the entire gang, and then how she manages to get out of both of her situations, owing somone money, and also having money struggles at home.

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