Thursday 12 December 2013

Opening of King Kong

When showing New York City, the colours are quite dark and dreary, this could possbly show the mood that is currently in the City.
The theatre is very bright, colourful and happy - showing a fake world, reflecting the island (with everything being fictitious).

1930s clothing - setting the time era
Anne is always in bright clothing - viring colours, quite petite. Her clothes always look pristine and not worn. Other clothing in the opening people tend to look quite tatty, showing the impact of the great depression.

Set in New York City. Well known for its years of hard labour and poverty - largely hit by the great depression. Has many iconic buildings, like the empire state, which is used in one of the final shots of the sequence.

Narrative Codes
The beginning here shows all aspects of the film: animals in cages - they locked King Kong up towards the end, poverty - showing how hard people were hit, and how people like Anne got to the situation they did within the films narrative, theatre - the entire film, is actually based on Carl getting his film made, so with the theatricallity within the first few opening sequences, it gives us an indication that this is going to be one of the focusses of the film.
Anne is shown as if to be a damzel in distress almost imediately due to her losing her job at the theatre, and she is slightly moaning at the fact that the other theatre members are not as enthusiastic as she is about the theatre business picking up.

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