Thursday 12 December 2013

Stop Motion

Stop motion animation is a cinematic process, or technique used to makes static objects appear as if they were moving. This technique is commonly used in claymation and puppet-based animation. The objects are brought to life by breaking up the figure's motion into increments and filming one frame of film per increment.

Fantastic Mr Fox uses stop motion the entire way through the film. This type of film not only appeals to children because of its content, but it appeals to adults also because of how well made and intricate it is. Adults will be interested in this film because of the amount of effort has been put into the making of it, and most likely watch it in admiration.

James and the Giant Peach was also a stop motion film. with the large uses of colour, and the content, this is another stop motion picture with the audience of children.

I think that the majority of stop motion films are mainly targeted at the younger population, therefore, this is something which we haven't really wanted to involve in our opening as we have a very complex and mature storyline which we would like to keep that way, and we dont feel like it would fit.

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