Saturday 14 December 2013

Who's Playing the Roles?

Candice Jackson played by Chantelle Cooper - Age 16
We chose to use Chantelle because not only does she fit our age for the character, but she comes across as quite a strong willing person and will do anything to help her family.

Kacey Brookston played by Kahmal Spencer - Age 18
We chose to use Kahmal to play the role of Kacey because he has a London accent (stereotypical thug) and he seems to have quite a dark side to him.
Nath Lawson played byJosh Denny - Age 17
Josh won the role as Nath because he has quite a friendly looking face, yet can still seem intimidating. Nath's character gets into the wrong crowd, but during the film, falls back in love with Candice and helps her out of her situation - Josh gave us the impression that he's a kind, caring, genuine person, which is what we wanted for this character.
Shelly ( Candice's Mum) played by Courtney Radley - Age 30
When assigning roles to people we struggled to get adults involved. Due to this we decided to assign me the role of the mum because I look older than what I am.
Lou Jackson played by Emily Ellwood - Age 14 
Chloe Jackson - Georgia Banks - Age 11
Jamie Jackson played by Marcus Mauby - Age 14

We chose to have these 3 children as Candice's siblings because 2 of them were my relations - easy to get them-, they fitted the age criteria and as they all knew each other, they already had a family feeling bond which is reflected in the opening.
Tom Hooper played by Harry Silvester - Age 17
We chose Harry to be our Tom because he fits the age criteria, he's rather cocky, and gives the impression that he only really cares about himself and having a good time, not the consequences of his actions, and we wanted this portrayed in the character.
Extras as the party, ages 16-18
The extras at the party are some mine and Beckiee's friendship group as they all fit within the age criteria, they were easy to get in contact with and they are all friendly and familiar with each other, this enabling the scene to run smoothly and there wouldn't be any awkward scenes where they didn't know what the other people we like.

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