Saturday 14 December 2013





Kacey has Candice pinned up against a wall. Candice is cowering away from his confrontation with some of Kacey’s gang members staring at her from behind him.
-- Directed and Produced by Courtney Radley and Rebecca Tuner --
K: (stares down at C intimidatingly) did you honestly think you could get away with it?
-- Starring Kahmal Sealey --
C: (starts to talk) I.. I.. I didn’t…
-- Chantelle Cooper --
K: (interrupting) I don’t wanna hear what you’ve got to say, I want you to stop whatever little game you’re playing
-- Courtney Radley --
C: (staring blankly up at him)
-- Josh Denny --
K: (shouts) say something!
C: Errr.. you don’t understand why..
K: (interrupting) I don’t care why you did it, I want my business back and right now you’re in the way
C: (on the verge of crying) I didn’t even realise..
K: (interrupting, yells) I’ve had enough of your bullshit (attempts to hit her round the face)
-- FREEZE --
C: (voice over) So I guess you probably want to know how I got myself into this situation, well let me show you..

In her house
Drunken mum passed out on sofa, all three kids sitting on the floor whining, arguing with each other.
C: (walking down the stairs) can’t believe this is happening again, for fucksake mum
M: (groans, wine slips out of glass) let me sleep
C: it’s eight o’clock in the morning and you’re already out of it…
C1: I’m bored
C2: I’m hungry
C3: Candice can you get us some food?
C: Yep with all that money I have in my back pocket..
All Children: Pleaseeeeeeeee
C: I’ll sort it
Candice storms out, slamming door behind her

Candice walking into doctor’s surgery
C: (voice over) this stupid little idea is where it all started. Now looking back trying pull contraceptive pills off as ecstasy is one of the shittest ideas I’ve ever had… it worked though
Reappears with box of contraceptive pills in her hand

Candice takes pills out of contraceptive box and puts them in bags
Candice sitting in front of her mirror applying her make up – stares at her reflection in mirror – breaks downs and cries.
C: (through tears) Candice pull yourself together. You can do this.
Candice hesitates when putting little bags in her purse then walks out of her bedroom

House Party
Establishing shot of party from outside – Candice walking into party
Random shots taken of party (getting off, drinking, snorting sherbet/salt, drug deals)
Hall way:
DG: (whispers, pushy) I want 3
C: £20
DG: Deal
(Close up of money and pills exchanging in hands)
DG walks off
N: (creeps up on Candice from behind) what do you think you’re doing?
Candice: (gasps)


C = Candice
K = Kacey
M = Mum
C1,C2,C3 = sibling, child 1,2,3
DG = Guy that Candice sells drugs to at the party
N = Nathan

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